Ladies bags come in all different styles,
sizes, and colours. Handbags have even become a status symbol for ladies who
can afford to buy expensive designers' bags. If you’re looking for some help
when choosing the right bag then here are a few tips to help you.
A handbag is a classic style of bag that can be simple enough to use at a non-formal event or you can also buy a more elegant and classy handbag that will fit well into your formal attire. Handbags are usually medium-sized so they will usually fit in your make-up bag, mobile phone, purse etc. The handles or straps of handbags vary, you can get handles that are long enough to go over your shoulder or ones that simply hang off your arm.
A handbag is a classic style of bag that can be simple enough to use at a non-formal event or you can also buy a more elegant and classy handbag that will fit well into your formal attire. Handbags are usually medium-sized so they will usually fit in your make-up bag, mobile phone, purse etc. The handles or straps of handbags vary, you can get handles that are long enough to go over your shoulder or ones that simply hang off your arm.
Satchel Bag
If you’re the type of person who goes to college/university or just like exploring different places then a satchel bag is the right bag for you! A satchel bag is ideal because it has enough room for some of your books and various personal belongings as well as easy access front pockets. Satchel bags usually have two handles, a short carry handle and a long over-the-shoulder strap, and are usually quite sturdy and durable.
If you’re the type of person who goes to college/university or just like exploring different places then a satchel bag is the right bag for you! A satchel bag is ideal because it has enough room for some of your books and various personal belongings as well as easy access front pockets. Satchel bags usually have two handles, a short carry handle and a long over-the-shoulder strap, and are usually quite sturdy and durable.
Clutch Bag
Clutch bags require your whole hand to grasp them since they do not have handles. These types of bags are usually rectangular or are in the shape of an envelope and they can go from casual to formal depending on their designs and styles. Clutch bags are small but can be large enough to contain your lipstick, small purse, and your mobile phone. You can look for a bejewelled/sequin clutch bag if you’re attending formal parties or even go for that plain black clutch to match every outfit. You can find loads more clutch bags on the E5P website.
Clutch bags require your whole hand to grasp them since they do not have handles. These types of bags are usually rectangular or are in the shape of an envelope and they can go from casual to formal depending on their designs and styles. Clutch bags are small but can be large enough to contain your lipstick, small purse, and your mobile phone. You can look for a bejewelled/sequin clutch bag if you’re attending formal parties or even go for that plain black clutch to match every outfit. You can find loads more clutch bags on the E5P website.
Shoulder Bag
Shoulder bags are one of the most common types of bags. They come with
adjustable straps depending on your preferred length. Shoulder bags come in
different sizes but are commonly made large enough to contain everything you
need for a shopping trip or day out. This type of bag is ideal for women who
are not fond of carrying a bag by the hand.
Remember that when you’re choosing a bag you
have to consider your purpose for having it, do you need it for a special
occasion? Shopping trips with friends? Or just as an everyday bag for college
or work?
If you’re looking for a new bag that won’t
end up costing you a fortune then check out the Everything5Pounds website for a
bag that will cost you just £5!
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